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Table 1 Search terms (MEDLINE-OVID)

From: End-of-life expenditure on health care for the older population: a scoping review

Topic group

Search string


aged[MeSH Terms] OR aged OR elderly[MeSH Terms] OR elder* OR older* OR senior* OR geriatrics[MeSH Terms] OR geriatric* OR pensioner* OR 65 OR 70 OR 75 OR 80 OR 85 OR 90 OR “old age” OR (old adj1 (population or person* or people or patient*)) OR (retired adj (population or people or person*)) OR “dependent population”


“end of life” OR “death related” OR “related to death” OR “last adj4 life” OR “end stage of life” OR “terminal year” OR “final adj4 life” OR “mortality related” OR “related to mortality”


cost* OR expenditure* OR spending* OR expense* OR financing OR “financial resources”