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Table 2 Summary of cost components and assumption for the micro-costing

From: The economic costs of orthopaedic services: a health system cost analysis of tertiary hospitals in a low-income country

Cost Component

Costing Methods

Assumptions for the intensity of need

Missing data protocol



Mean prescribed medication based on patient records

The proportion of patients prescribed medication

Records with missing prescription doses are excluded from consideration

[30, 31]

The cost is calculated per item based on pack size

The items missing the pack size used the most commonly available or efficient pack size

Total cost = cost per item *dose* frequency per day * Duration


Average usage per person

Volume based on expert opinion




Task-specific cost – cost per minute * task duration

Task duration – expert opinion


[31, 38, 39]

Inpatient costs – daily personnel cost per ward/ average # of inpatients per day

Adjusted FTEsc


Diagnostic Tests / Blood Transfusion

Based on average utilisation for specific diagnoses and expert opinion

The proportion of patients utilising service and expert opinion



Medical Equipment

Calculated cost per use

Orthopaedic-specific use/utilisation


[29, 31, 33, 37]


Department apportioned overhead costs from top-down costing

1-bed day: 3 outpatient visits


[31, 34, 40]

  1. bNot applicable
  2. cFull Time Equivalent