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Table 3 Variable definitions

From: Does patient behaviour drive physicians to practice defensive medicine? Evidence from a video experiment

Variable Name



 Defensive Treatment

Dummy equal to 1 if physician chooses defensive treatment

Variable of Interest

 Liability Risk

Dummy equal to 1 if mean physician’s perceived medical liability risk is greater than or equal to 4 on a seven-point Likert scale.a

Treatment Variable

 Critical Patient

Dummy equal to 1 if physician saw videos with critical patient communication

Physician Characteristics


Dummy equal to 1 if physician is female


Dummy equal to 1 if physician saw gynaecological cases and 0 when exposed to orthopaedic cases

 Working Experience > 20y

Dummy equal to 1 if physician practices medicine for more than 20 years


Dummy equal to 1 if physician is accountable to a superior/colleagues for the actions (s)he takes

 Claim Experience

Dummy equal to 1 if physician has personal claim experience

 Defensive Person

Dummy equal to 1 if the mean of 10 defensive acts (that is, lowering patient contacts, treating less high-risk patients, performing less high-risk treatments, working less hours, retiring early, changing to a lower risk specialism, referring patients to confirm diagnosis (second opinion), prescribing more medication, suggesting more diagnostic procedures to confirm diagnosis, suggesting more invasive tests to confirm diagnosis) is greater than or equal to 3

  1. aHow likely do you think it is that the patient would take further steps against the treating physician if problems or complications would arise as a result of medical treatment? (1 = very unlikely, 7 = very likely)